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How to recover system file without backup
Database system file is corrupt, No backup is available of system file and database is not in archive log mode, Anyone can help to me . How i can recover system corrupt file ?
Oracle recovery from dbf uncorrupted files.
1-We tried last month to backup our Oracle Express database files (the ones contained in /XE) by copying them to another directory.
Please help production system drop tablespace and forget export before
There is one table was in bigfile tablespace. one file, one table, one tablespace.
Problem on CLOB datatype after import
I got problem and call to Oracle support and they use DUL for extract data from datafile to dump file and I import everything is done and no error but when I check in CLOB datatype that have space(blank character) separate each character see below
want to extract the data from oracle database files(dbf)
want to extract the data from oracle database files(dbf)