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recover tablespace data afte re-create of a database - possible?

recover tablespace data afte re-create of a database - possible?

We, by a bad chance, created a new database on top of an existing one. Used the wrong ORACLE_SID basically. So now there are shiny new system, undo etc tablespaces, and a separate tablespace with all the important data in it, which is completely intact and contains everything we need.
The question is: is there a way to recover that data somehow? Basically, I'm seeking a way to recover data from an intact tablespace when the rest of the database is missing.
The database in question is (linux 32bit), tablespace is locally managed and contains both tables (about 600 of them) and indexes. It were running in NOarchivelog mode.
(To make the story a bit less stupid: we performed conversion from 8i to 10g yesterday, and I haven't done any backups yet and didn't configure archivelogs etc, -- i wanted to do it now, but instead of doing backup I ran the yesterday's procedure. So, basically, I've a "backup" from yesterday, but today was quite productive day too)
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