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recover dropped tablespace in oracle
I had a schema called dmuser1 which i had allocated to 'odmperm' tablespace,
now i was running short of space in the drive where oracle is installed and
there was a datafile of' odmperm' tablespace ,
so i thought of dropping the 'odmperm' tablespace and corresponding datafile ,
so i altered the dmuser1 schema to point to USERS tablespace by running below code
ALTER USER dmuser1 default tablespace USERS quota unlimited on USERS.
then i ran
select * from dba_users;
here user dmuser1 had changed to USERS tablespace, so i used the below command to delete the datafile
now when i log into dmuser1 schema, none of my tables are present and i dont have the backup also, so please help me in resolving this.
You are out of luck - the tables are gone and without backup or export, you won't get them back. If you still have the datafile on the filesystem, because the datafile with the blocks in it still exists, there is a chance that support is still able to read these blocks directly with a special utility called DUL (Data Unloader). Contact Oracle Support for this. contact Oracle Support and ask for DUL - that is if you have a support contract.
If not please consider PRM-DUL :