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How to extract tables from .dbf datafile?
I have only .dbf datafile(from cool-backup, not exported), and must extract two tables from it. Unfortunatly, I have no control-files, redo-log files, etc.(only datafile..) How to get tables from datafile? Please teach me..
(If a suitable script exists, Plz tell me where I get it from..)
You could get some tables out of it using a utility from Oracle called DUL (Data Unloader). However, Oracle charges a premimum for this. Not to buy it, but to have a technician come out and literally rip the data out of the data files. I have gone through this process, and it's VERY expensive. From memory, I believe they charge $2400 per hour, with a four hour minimum. Just a thought, if this data is really important, they can get it out.
The unloader is very good if the fileheaders of the tablespaces are damaged due to corruption.Let me tell you that "Dul" is a mighty tool,but if the db blocks are damaged the unloader maybe won't help you but you have to pay the price and that's not
cheap,believe me.
another cheap gui dul option is PRM-DUL