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want to extract the data from oracle database files(dbf)

want to extract the data from oracle database files(dbf)

want to extract the data from oracle database files(dbf)
I want to extract the data from oracle database files(dbf). I am using AIX64 bit can any one tell me how can i do that ?
not export i have listen that there are some O/S utility that i can read the datafile that what are written inside ?
Data files are not meant to be read directly. The utilities you are talking about are there to help you in worst cases when everything has crashed and there is no recovery possible. So there is a special kind of case where you use those utilities and try to recover data directly from the data files.
It would be wonderful if you can let us know of ANY OS utility to read DATAFILES which are BINARY by nature other that the utilities provided by Oracle itself. Please do share the info.
One such tool is  PRM-DUL
PRM-DUL is not an alternative for Oracle exp or SQL*Plus utilities. You should only use PRM-DUL when : 
- You’re unable to open the database using standard restore and recovery techniques 
- You're unable to open the database using non-standard recovery techniques (use of hidden parameters - allow..._corruption) 
- Oracle Support tells you the database is death, gone, kapot, cassé, tod, roto - but data can be recovered using a DUL-like tool
- You accept the fact that there's NO guarantee - there's a reason why the database doesn't open anymore ! (this is true for all DUL-like tools) 
Wondering how is it related anywhere close to what the thread beginners question was about. Anyways thanks for the link, seems PRM-DUL has to be purchased as a product....