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Oracle dbf

Oracle dbf

we just find your site because we have a data base that we want to repair but keeps show a System01.dbf error.
following the steps in your post about this troublesome issue, we notice that the second screen after selecting the mode is not tha same as shown by your post. Your help in this matter will be appreciated.
it doesn't matter , for the document was written with old version software.
Ok, still we have no positive results after tinkering with the options, does it means the DB is broken beyond repair?
pls upload the prm.log  or you can send me the whole database .
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Byte order: BIG ENDIAN
KFBH Check value: 0
Disk ID: -2147483648
you're using ASM WITH BIG ENDIAN ?
PRM:  Warning: scaned 10MB data, couldn't find file header for[decry[email protected]].arrow[decry[email protected]].arrow  , 
this indicate your dbf is damaged by malware.