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DBRECOVER For Oracle Recovery Scenario: Ransomware malware encrypts and damages data files
Ransomware malware encrypts part or all of the content of ORACLE data files. As ORACLE data files are generally large, encrypting the entire file may take a long time, so some ransomware malware may choose to encrypt only continuous or random space in the header of the ORACLE data file.
Oracle DB force open failing
We are unable to open the DB with force option. We are getting below errors.
alter database open
DBRECOVER for Oracle
we are about to purchase the DBRECOVER for Oracle, because we have a corrupted DB, with no backups and no dmp. We have tried the demo version but we have some problems and we need some info in order to make the order:
Recovery of Data from Deleted Oracle Data files
We have a situation and would like to know if you can help to recover the data from Oracle database.
Recover Oracle data
One of the SYSTEM tablespace datafiles was lost in my database and
database can't be opened.
I don't have a backup.