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Purchasing a license to PRM-DUL

Purchasing a license to PRM-DUL



I would like to expedite a license purchase of the full version of PRM-DUL. I have had a catastrophic failure of the filesystems on both my Physical Primary and Standby servers. As well, the restore process for all our backups are missing the necessary archivelogs to complete recovery.


Yes, I did. I was able to retrieve some small subset of the data that I need. Some of our tables use embedded objects - both table and object type, so the output from PRM-DUL is understandably unclear, to me.

I'm also interested in hiring your professional services. Based on the performance of your DUL, which has been able to retrieve more data than any of the other utilities, tools or techniques, you may have the expertise I need.
 The data is from a backup of the physical standby.
Attached is an example of the table structure I am referring to...
Would PRM-DUL be able to pull data the external representation of the embedded table?
I am NOT using ASM, and when I try to load ALL the datafiles for the database, I am told I have inconsistent versions - is there a quick way to determine which datafiles are of the incorrect version?
Does PRM-DUL work with archivelogs, at all?
The low record count from the sample data I pulled from the Community Edition makes me concerned I won't be able to pull even a small percentage of the data using your tool...
prm-dul do not work on  Embedded Objects , as oracle document: what  Embedded Objects is :

Creating Standalone Objects: Example

This code example demonstrates how a standalone object is created:

CREATE TYPE person_t AS OBJECT (name varchar2(30), age number(3)); CREATE TABLE person_tab OF person_t;

Objects that are stored in the object table person_tab are standalone objects. They have object identifiers and can be referenced. They can be pinned in an OCCI application.

Creating Embedded Objects: Example

This code example demonstrates how an embedded object is created:

CREATE TABLE department (deptno number, deptname varchar2(30), manager person_t);

PRM-DUL do not work on oracle external table , but you have external table associated fiat file , you can easily recover it by manual, what a external table is :
  2    (employee_number      CHAR(5),
  3     employee_dob         CHAR(20),
  4     employee_last_name   CHAR(20),
  5     employee_first_name  CHAR(15),
  6     employee_middle_name CHAR(15),
  7     employee_hire_date   DATE)
 10     DEFAULT DIRECTORY def_dir1
 13        FIELDS (employee_number      CHAR(2),
 14                employee_dob         CHAR(20),
 15                employee_last_name   CHAR(18),
 16                employee_first_name  CHAR(11),
 17                employee_middle_name CHAR(11),
 18                employee_hire_date   CHAR(10) date_format DATE mask "mm/dd/yyyy"
 19               )
 20       )
 21     LOCATION ('info.dat')
 22    );
Table created.
as seen in your attachment , it looks like no  Embedded Objects or external table.
If index data file only contains index , you can skip it,because table data is not involved in index tablespace ,and index is really ddl statement only.