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Basic Steps to be Followed While Solving ORA-00600 [4194]/[4193] Errors Without Using Unsupported parameter

Basic Steps to be Followed While Solving ORA-00600 [4194]/[4193] Errors Without Using Unsupported parameter

If you cannot recover the data by yourself, ask Parnassusdata, the professional ORACLE database recovery team for help.

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Applies to:

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version and later Information in this document applies to any platform.

***Checked for relevance on 03-Oct-2011*** Oracle Server Enterprise Edition






This note will give an Brief overview of the steps to resolve ORA-600 [4194]/[4193]:-




Short Description of ORA-00600[4194]




A mismatch has been detected between Redo records and rollback (Undo) records.



Arg [a] Maximum Undo record number in Undo block Arg [b] Undo record number from Redo block


@When we try to apply redo to an undo block (forward changes are made by

@the application of redo to a block), we check that the number of undo

@records in the undo block +1 matches the record number in the redo

@record. Because we are adding a new undo record, we know that the record

@number in that undo block must be one greater than the maximum number in

@that block.


@ORA-600 [4194] and ORA-600 [4193] happens when Oracle is trying to add a new undo block for an existent transaction. In order to do that the UBA is taken from the FREE POOL in th compared with the undo block. If there is a mismatch, the error is produced.


Basic Steps that Need to be Followed to Solve an ORA-00600[4194] Error There are two Options to resolve this issue.

Options along with their solutions are given below.


Option 1:- Support Method(Drop the undo tablespace).

Option 2: - Drop the Problematic undo segment

Option 3:- If System undo segment is involved