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    • Home > Blogs > PDSERVICE's blog > Bug 6674196 - OERI / buffer cache corruption using ASM, OCFS or any ksfd client like ODM

Bug 6674196 - OERI / buffer cache corruption using ASM, OCFS or any ksfd client like ODM

Bug 6674196 - OERI / buffer cache corruption using ASM, OCFS or any ksfd client like ODM

Various internal errors like ORA-600 [kcbzpbuf_1] may be
signalled when ASM, OCFS or any ksfd client like ODM are used.
Buffer cache corruption can occur in the RDBMS instance leading to
an instance crash.
ORA-600 [kddummy_blkchk] may be produced if db_block_checking is enabled.
This may happen after an error like an IO or OS error.
Sessions may also produce error ORA-1578.
@ Note: This issue is actually fixed in but the RFI/BLR
@ make it hard to see this. The fix is in branched files