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Oracle DUL : Help for extracting a table from an incomplete EXPDP dump
We have a customer who is trying all means to get 1 very critical table (data) from a incomplete export data pump. Below is the scenario
after exporting 56 tables had failed due to space crunch issues.
The log file master table was not unloaded cleanly
while importing 1 table , it fails with ORA39246:cannot locate master table within provided dump files
cannot locate master table within provided dump files
table which they are trying to import back is one of the tables that was fully exported in the failed expdp above
there a Possibility to use DUL – UNEXP/UNPUMP to unload only that tables data from the dump file, with the below considerations
OS Solaris 5.10 , DB Oracle
The table to be restored is a partition table
The expdp taken was with parallel/multiple dump files
I had downloaded the latest user guide, but does not have much details on the UNPUMP. Could you please let us know the steps/procedure
needed for the UNPUMP if fesible in the above scenario.
This is a complicated and new scenario. Maybe we need some new tricks, especially for support of parallel unpump.
The best explanation of the unpump command is the in the wiki:
You would typicially start with an “unpump scan” to locate the stream headers. Then continue with “unpump stream
header” for each header.
Is it possible to get a copy of those files on the oracle network? Then I can inspect them myself, and that could save us
some round trips.