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How to Engage Oracle DUL
This document details the steps that need to be taken to engage to begin the process for performing DUL on one or more database
ORACLE DUL 専用データ復旧ソフトウェア
Oracle DUL Operating System Dependent Parameters OSD Operating System Dependent Parameters
the osd header is endian specific. Remember that the settings should be
for the original database platform. So this only requires some attention when cross unloading. For instance when
Oracle DUL newlines
Stream mode is the most compact SQL*Loader format, the records to be loaded are variable in size and terminated
Oracle Kfed Disk header copy
Disk header copy
Lately there is an extra copy of the asm disk header. This copy can be used to fix the real header using kfed with the
Oracle DUL and ASM
Always good to know that starting from 11g amdu is included in the distribution. Amdu is the asm dump utility. Apart