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prm dul release 5108

prm dul release 5108


prm dul release 5108



1.release 5108 now supports Oracle 12.2, for Oracle 12.2 has expanded columns in$ & sys.obj$ ,this make the dictionary is different from 12.1

2.prm now supports Oracle 12.2 PDB/CDB features ,Pluggable database(pdb) now can be boostraped as a single database .

3.FOR SYS_NC000 pseudo column , prm will ignore it 

4.prm now supports corrupted data file header, so if malware/ransomware damaged the file header , user can tell prm the data file's db version,tablespace no,relative file, so prm can bootstrap a file header damaged database as normal one 

5.prm now supports nvarchar,BLOB,CLOB column identify in non-bootstrap mode.