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Oracle Data recovery Issue for dropped table with BLOB/CLOB

Oracle Data recovery Issue for dropped table with BLOB/CLOB

User problem:
As we discussed over the call,Please find the below issue details and provide the licence and recovery cost details ASAP.
1. We lost data from few partitions and need  to restore and recover the data
 .The table is a Range partition and nearly we have lost 9 partitions.Each partition size is nearly 350GB( 9 partiions *350G=3TB)
2. The only backup available is from Jan 25 2015. This backup does not include SYSTEM tablespace backups.
3. We built a new environment and first restored datafiles from Jan 2015 backups.
4. Then used the most recent backup(Oct 2016) to restore SYSTEM tablespace to the new environment.Facing issues to open the database.
5. Data is available in the backup datafiles.Need to recover the data from datafiles.
Many Thanks for the quick response. I have gone through the  oracle PRM-DUL document and could not see any case study to recover the LOB data from the partitions,which were truncated.
We have to recover the data from few partitions(Lost 9 partitions) from Range partitioned table. 
Partitions contains the data "FILE_BLOB" BLOB, "FILE_XML" CLOB. Could you please provide the document which will explains to recover the LOB  data   from the partitioned table.
The license key cost is 1500 USD.  The service cost extra fee.
prm-dul can recover blob/clob from dropped partition in non-dictionary mode; first you use recovery wizard with non-dictionary mode , and scan the whole database /tablespace , and then you get your dropped partition listed by data object id ; select the dropped partition object in object tree, specify every column with right data type, and then you can use data bridge to recover your data. 
 pls let me know if you still have problem, actually this procedure is similar to recover from dropped table, but you have to specify  every column's data type, especially the lob column .